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Cover of 'A Touch of GAS'

GAS Newsletter

Cover of 'A Touch of GAS'
Cover of 'A Touch of GAS'

Members of Glasgow Archaeological Society receive a bi-annual newsletter called A Touch of GAS. This is published every Spring and Autumn

A Touch of GAS is by and for the members, providing information about the society, forthcoming excursions, and events as well as reporting on recent activities and general archaeological news. It also features shorter archaeological reports, usually from archaeologists who have received a grant from the Society to assist a particular project, and short notes and articles written by GAS members.

This is an archive of our past issues in PDF format for download. Only members have access to newsletters from the last 18 months.

AtoG Newsletter Issue 82 (Autumn 2018)

AtoG Newsletter Issue 81 (Spring 2018)

AtoG Newsletter Issue 80 (Autumn 2017)

AtoG Newsletter Issue 79 (Spring 2017)

AtoG Newsletter Issue 78 (Autumn 2016) 

AToG Newsletter Issue 77 (Spring 2016)

AToG Newsletter Issue 76 (Autumn 2015)

AToG Newsletter Issue 75 (Spring 2015)

AToG Newsletter Issue 74 (Autumn 2014)

AToG Newsletter Issue 73 (Spring 2014)

AToG Newsletter Issue 72 (Autumn 2013)

AToG Newsletter Issue 71 (Spring 2013)

AToG Newsletter Issue 70 (Autumn 2012)

AToG Newsletter Issue 69 (Special Conference Edition)

AToG Newsletter Issue 68 (Spring 2012)

AToG Newsletter Issue 67 (Autumn 2011)